
The Educational Martial Arts System (TEMAS) invites you to participate
as a
Sponsor at the 30th Anniversary Camp

"Consider the forces that enabled you to succeed, the individuals that made a difference and the opportunities whether provided or obtained. TEMAS is pleased to be able to support this camp with the opportunity to make a difference. The martial arts may have provided you with drive, focus, discipline, structure and confidence. You can provide the skills that make success and a road to greatness. Please be the sponsor you can be." ...Grandmaster Manna

TEMAS – The Educational Martial Arts System was established in 1990 to promote the mission of furthering the enhancement of the arts. TEMAS can be explain as Educational - bringing all to a higher understanding of one's self and the community around us; Martial Arts - a study of the mind and body as one, to have the knowledge necessary to avoid conflict, betterment of the whole person; System - a way, structured to assist in achieving our goals.

Throughout the year TEMAS succeeds in providing opportunities for the devlopment of mental and physical growth. This year TEMAS is teaming up with Manna’s Martial Arts to celebrate their 30th Anniversary Camp this September in Julian, CA.

Through this partnership students, aged 9 through adult learners, will have a chance like never before.  TEMAS will be bringing four world-class Grandmaster Instructors that will teach the attending camp participants. Specialized 30th anniversary workshops will allow participants to attend either the three-day camp, or solely the 30th anniversary Saturday workshops. 

The ability to offer such a high standard in training can only happen with the support of our key donors.  Each Grandmaster’s cost is in the thousands of dollars.  The addition of these world-class athletes is a phenomenal opportunity and one that we are communicating with those who we see as a good fit for offering sponsorship.  Please aide with your sponsorship/donation making this 30th anniversary camp experience a special one for each attendee. See Sponsorships Levels below.

Our martial arts student attends class 3 days per week. By traveling with the students, eating, speaking, sharing free time, clinics, training, and specialized workshops over the weekend the child spends 47 hours at Martial Arts Camp.  By removing the other outside forces that pull today’s kids away, in a three-day camp we can offer the student multiple months of training in just one weekend.  Imagine having months of training invested in just one weekend?  Attendance at martial arts camp has proven to grow and develop the students at a superior rate than in studio classes can alone.

Click Here for Sponsor and Donation Levels

For those reasons, we want to share how important this is to us and we want to share the chance to interact with students, Grandmasters, and make all of this available to assure our 30th Anniversary Camp will be one not soon forgotten. We are seeking sponsorship to be able to proceed with the plans for this amazing experience.

Please be reminded that every penny counts. All gifts/donations to TEMAS are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  We would like to thank you in advance for your generosity.  Your donation assures a successful 30th Anniversary Camp, bring in guest Grandmasters, offer the AMAZING in-studio training, and continue to put smiles on the face of children as they are guided by our TEMAS 3 principles; Justice (The use of authority to uphold what is right, fair or proper), Sincerity (The act of being truthful, honest and genuine), and Responsibility (Obligating one’s self to a cause or purpose, distinguish between right and wrong).  We wish to offer our gratitude for your consideration to these unbelievable opportunities of giving.

Thank you!

All proceeds are a tax-deductible Donation to TEMAS
Printable Sponosorship Request Letter